Techniques Navigation

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Introduction Map Compass
coordinates Orientation is figuring out where you, in any environment, are and document it. Orientation prior to a trip you can mean you buy do the proper maps. Navigation is determinating a route by use of tools examples are a map or a compass. Both require knowledge of map and tools.
Basic knowledge needed with navigation are the directions. Everyone has heard of the cold North or the sunny South. But what dous this mean?
If we look at the world from space would, we would see a sphere. Every day the world revolves around a vertical axis, so we have day and night. The extreme points of this axis are the poles and in the middle we find the equator. Everything above the equator is known as the Northern Hemisphere, everything beneath, we call the Southern Hemisphere.
Because the equator is closest to the sun is the hottest there is. That is why, in the Netherlands, "sunny South" is said. The further North you go ,the colder it will be. Hence, in the Netherlands, we speak of the cold North. compass_card The cardinal points North, South, East and West are greater because all other directions are a combination of the cardinal points. When you equilly divide the angle between the North and the East, you find the North-East. (Indicated by N.E.) When you equilly divide the angle between the North and the North-East, you find the North-North-East. (Indicated by N.N.E.) In naming the directions North and South are used befor East and West.
Roughly you can now define a direction in which you want to move, but it is not yet measurable. For exact measurement this circle is divided into 360 degrees in wich North is 0 or 360 degrees. Main wind directions now become measurable East = 90 degrees, South 180 degrees West = 270 degrees. degrees When we draw this up it will look like the picture on the right. You can now measure the angle in which you will move.
However, it is important to remember the directions are numbered to the East. (clockwise) We say "to the East", represented by an E. When we measure degrees counterclockwise, we speak of "to the West", represented by a W. Thus, 90 degrees to the East (90º E) equals, 270 degrees to the West (270º W).