Techniques First-Aid

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Introduction Bleeds Unconscious Choking Burn
Fracture Contusion
EHBO Despite associations and specialist training it is to be recommended to anybody to know the basics from first aid.
As a scout you are involved with fire (burns), pocket knife or ax (cuts), working on heights (bruises and fractures). You might need these skills more than an average athlete.
The basics of first aid are a set of rules:
Rule 01: watch, at all times, for safety!
Rule 02: What happened?
Rule 03: Set the victim at ease!
Rule 04: organize expert assistance!
Rule 05: preferably, you do not move a victim
Rule 06: Protect a victim against heat and cold!
Rule 01:
danger Watch, at all times, if everything is safe for yourself and bystander, rather one a victim than two. If the situation dous not allow you to approach the victim directly, do not engage. Your concern must go to creating a safe situation.
For example:
Any new traffic.
Cause of the accident, can it happen to you?
Rule 02:
accident When approaching an accident you can see what has happened. Try to deduce what happened before and during the accident. Discuss the incident with the victim and ask him what happened and what he suffers from. Ask bystanders what they saw.
Rule 03:
It is important that, a victim, under all circumstances remains awake and at ease. Try to distract attention from any physical defects that prevent unnecessary stress.
Rule 04:
ambulance In a real accident where more is going on than a scraped knee, you'll want professional help to turn up.
General Emergency Number: 911
It is important that any message is as detailed as possible. For example, the following points are of interest:
Tell the phone-operator who you are?
What has occurred?
Where did the accident happen? (Exact position)
What is the scale of the accident? (How many casualties)
What is the current situation?
What is the current status of the victim(s)?
Rule 05:
Victims are preferably helped on the spot. Only if the situation gets markes as dangerous you may move the vitcim. In addition to standard defects a victim can also have internal defects. Things that can't be seen on the outside but which can carry far-reaching consequences. To move a victim specialist methods are developed, but in an emergency the end justifies the means.
Rule 06:
Victims are preferably helped on the spot. When the surroundings need the vitim to be relocated, then the vitim will be moved. Moving a victim is done through the grasp of Rautek.
Victims are preferably helped on the spot. When the surroundings need the vitim to be relocated, then the vitim will be moved. Moving a victim is done through the grip of Rautek.