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Introduction Measurements Climbing-sport
Height Width Speed
When you go down a river on a raft and you wish to determine how long you need to go. Then you can perform a speed measurement. When you know the distance you should be able to determine how long you need to go.
The flags from left to right: Left one, somebody with a floating object, Middle Someone with a loud voice, Judge someone with a stopwatch.
Distances A: at least 10 meters, B at least 5 meters. The person with the object throws the object in the river. When the object passes the second person he call's out and the last person starts the time. When the object passes the third person he stops the time. The calculation: Speed is given in meters per second. Also the time needed for an object to cover a distance. Thus dividing the number of meters by the time.
A = 10 meter
Time rating 8.3 seconds =
Distance to cover = 15 Km
Flow rate is 10 meters / 8.3 seconds = 1.205 m/sec
(1205 x 60 = 72.289 m / min)
15 km equivalent to 15.000 m Time needed is: 15.000/72.289 = 207.50 min 207.50 min is again equal to 3 hours and 27.5 minutes