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Introduction Measurements Climbing-sport
Climbing Climbing-Gear
danger Climbing is a sport with high risks, do not play with the life of anybody else.
Several scouting groups own large amount of climbing-gear. Being able to apply the right techniques with the right materials is one but it is also important that your equipment is in order. To be sure of quality equipment, companies subject their equippment to an annual inspection. These tests are expensive and the safety standard, to use ratio, not to used by scouting. The safety-check concerns a visual inspection wich is to be recorded. & nbsp; When there is climbing-gear at hand in your (scouting) club, you'd be smart to set up a registration on this equipment. At the bottom there are several registration-forms. There are no rights to deduce from the content or to the fact that an audit by an uncertified person has no legal validity. When you start registration you try to reduce risks to the best of yourability. Mainly you are doing so for yourself.

Required knowledge In the following forms, the term "fall factor" can be used. This can be calculated with the following formula

fall factor = Height of fall / Issued rope length

fall_factor_1 fall_factor_2
Fall factor = 5 / 5 = 1 Fall factor = 5 / 2.5 = 2
Petzl (Harness procedure/form)
Petzl (Rope procedure/form)
Petzl (Connector procedure/form)
Petzl (Helmet procedure/form)
Petzl (sling procedure/form)
Petzl (clamp procedure/form)

More about climbing gear and safety (in Dutch): West Vlaamse Bergsportvereniging